If you are a girl and you are struggling with knowing the kind of husband God has for you...read this. If you feel unworthy because some guy has treated you horribly...read this. and same to the guysss!!!! I don't care if it looks like a girly book haha. To me, God really reveals how a wife and husband should be. The sacrifices each made. and God shows WAYYYY more than just marriage stuff. The story really shows how God's love is so redeeming!!!!!
Most of you do not know but I seriously have a problem with guys in my life. I don't think highly of the men God has put in my life because of the things I have seen in my past. I never thought any guy could be serious about Jesus. and I am truly sorry if you are a friend of mine who has felt that I don't love you or care for you because I do. God has been showing me how many amazing brothers I have at Chi Alpha. Thank you, all of you, for loving Jesus! and I have read this book before but I read it again because God has been showing me that I really need to overcome my not so nice feelings for my brothers and reading this book has brought so much healing.
Ugh, I looove this book. It will bring a lot of healing. The author of this book had writers block after she had been saved. She said she couldn't write anything and she kept asking God why! Then He gave her this story. It's based off the book of Hosea in the Bible. Forrrr real, this book was lead by the Holy Spirit so of course it beee amazing.
Haha. You all should read this!!! Girls and guys!!!! There are some people I really think should read this so I will talk to ya'll about it!! I will let you borrow mine if need be! =]=]=]=]=]=]